CINCH Academy

Gesundheitsökonomische Summer School in Essen

24. – 30. Mai 2014

Kontakt: Simon Decker

Tel. +49 (201) 183 3404

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CINCH Academy is a summer program for research in Health Economics. It consists of lecture sessions and presentations, where participants present their own work. This year’s focus will be on empirical methods.

The lectures will be given by Michael Lechner (University of St. Gallen) and William Greene (New York University). The program consists of 28 hours of lectures and 10 hours of paper presentations. These presentations will be chaired by Maksym Obrizan (Kyiv School of Economics). They enable participants to receive constructive feedback for their own work.


  1. Semi-Parametric and Non-Parametric Identification & Estimation
    • Matching
    • Instrumental Variables
    • Regression Discontinuity Design
    • Difference-in-Differences
  2. Related Estimation Strategies & Applications in Health Economics
  3. Discrete Choice Modeling within Health Economic Settings
    • Binary Choice
    • Ordered Choice & Count Data Models
    • Panel Data Modeling
    • Multinomial Choice Models
    • Modeling Heterogeneity
    • Latent Class & Mixed Logit Models
    • Stated Preference
    • Hybrid Choice Models


In his work, Michael Lechner develops econometric methods for causal analysis and applies these in areas such as labour or health economics. Besides serving as an editor of several journals, he has published in leading journals such as Journal of the European Economic Association, The Economic Journal, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of the American Statistical Association and Journal of Econometrics.

 William Greene works in applied econometrics, e.g. panel data analysis and discrete choice modeling in particular. He developed the software packages LIMDEP and NLOGIT and is also the author of “Econometric Analysis”, one of the econometric standard references worldwide. His publication record includes, amongst others, Journal of Econometrics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Journal of Political Economy, Econometrica and American Economic Review.


Registration Fees

  • EUR  400  (doctoral students)
  • EUR  650  (others)

Fees cover the cost of the course and accompanying materials. Scholarships are available.


Please submit a CV and a full paper via email (deadline: Mar 31, 2014). Please include a list of successfully completed courses.

Hosting Institution

"Competent in competition and health" – both claim and aspiration of CINCH, one of Germany's leading research centers in Health Economics. The center is located in Essen and is a joint venture of three research institutions: the RWI Essen, the Faculty for Economics and Business Administration of the University of Duisburg-Essen, and the Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. CINCH is funded through an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.